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Other Useful Resources

These are some links to useful resources about Golden Retrievers.   

The National and Local Golden Retriever Clubs.   

These are a vast wealth of knowledge about the breed, its history, health, activities and the like.  Definitely worth a look.

The Golden Retriever Club of Canada

The Golden Retriever Club of Greater Toronto

The Ottawa Valley Golden Retriever Club

Early Spay / Neuter information

Whilst some older Veterinarians will suggest you spay or neuter before a puppy is one year old, Veterinary research and breeders see clear benefits of waiting.   These are some articles and research papers to read.

The University College Davis studies are extensive and provide a science based arguement 

Dr Becker "The Truth About Spaying and Neutering"  

Dog Parks and why they are not recommended

Interested in visiting a Dog Show, Obedience or Agility Trial?

Ontario is lucky to have a large number of Dog Shows.   They are geographically spread out so there is sure to be one within 3 hours of you.   An interesting, educative and fun day out.   Canuk Dogs provides details of all the Shows Canada wide.  The filters are easy to use.   Click for the Calendar

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